23 November 2011

can't sing, can't act, can dance a little

This was famously said of Fred Astaire on his first ever screen test. It came to mind after reading of the Hugh Laurie blues album that seems to be on everyone's Christmas present list for their mum and dad. A word of warning to my children - if you buy me that album, I may just take your Christmas presents away from you. I have actually heard some of it and it's bland and very cod-blues. No thankyou, children.

But it got me thinking of actors who have actually made decent music. Now, for this particular blog entry, the entrance criteria is quite strict: the music has to have been good (so no Minnie Driver, Johnny Depp,  Keanu Reeves) and the music must not have been recorded by someone who first came to acting after a music career (so unfortunately the very excellent Kris Kristofferson won't feature). And lastly, it needs to have been more than a one-hit wonder music career (Dub be Good to Me and MacArthur Park, for instance). With this in mind, here are a few entries that make the grade.

Milla Jovovich -  'Charlie'

Jenny Lewis - 'Acid Tongue'

Juliette Lewis - 'Death of a Whore'

Blake Sennett - 'Not Going Home'

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