11 January 2011

emika - drop the other

Here's a big tune from last year. It uses Elton John's Song for Guy as the hook to great effect. I've seen it described variously as dubstep and although it's dark I don't think it's heavy enough for that genre. It kind of reminds me of Tricky with its tempo and lyrics and definitely R&B in the singer's delivery. If this had come out 12 years earlier it would not have looked out of place in some of the darker trip-hop/dance acts that were around then, think Unkle, Death in Vegas, Lamb et al. This is the kind of tune that really makes me wish I had the talent to be a DJ. I can think of a fair few tunes that would segway well with this; Ants by edIT for a start. My one criticism is it is far too short and that, I suppose, is a compliment!


  1. nice one - trip hop sounding fresh
    do u wanna cross link with my page discodeviant.com ?

  2. Hi

    Thanks very much. Would love to cross-link (that's me adding your blog to my list of followed blogs with links and you vice versa isn't it? Sorry, I'm new to this blogging malarkey.)

    Really like your site by the way, I'll come and say hello when you do the gig at Audio on 25th.



  3. Hello Lee,

    really good work your blog - like it!
    You ask me on House-Mixes.com about the link to my blog. That´s a really good idea. I do the same with your, Ok?
    But you post the wrong link to my site ;)...
    Here is the right one:

    Thanks a lot!!!

    Best greetings ---> (((O))) Schalk (((O)))
