22 August 2011

keeping it real, keeping it lo-fi

I don't know why but I seem to have eschewed dance music of late.  I'm going through one of those phases where I feel like my life would be better described if there was a David Lynch-esque soundtrack to it. Don't worry, dear reader, I'm not depressed or anything like that, I'm just feeling a bit err...'transitional'. It's a lovely description that I think fits but please don't ask me to explain it. I can't!

Anyhow, enough of this stream of consciousness, you didn't come onto this blog to listen to me self-psychoanalyse, I've been exploring Bandcamp again and this album by a band called 'Grandpa Was a Lion' struck me as particularly beautiful. It's kind of Mazzy Star (ish), the lead singer has the same breathlessness as Hope Sandoval but the tunes are a bit more Americana, a bit more lo-fi.

One other thing about this album before I unleash it on you, the sound is so 'Mid West Prairie' that you can almost picture the tumbleweeds and the roadside diner. However the blurb on the bandcamp page states that it was written in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. It takes some skill to be able to do conjure a sound alien to the environment it was born into. It's a bit like Brian Wilson writing fluffy, surf ballads whilst stuck in a shed. Well done to the band. You can read more here.

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