03 April 2011

father and son (part 2)

So this Sunday afternoon, it's just Gabriel (aged 8) and me (aged badly) lazing around and listening to some cool tunes. The rules are simple - Gabriel chooses a song then I choose one and so on. Here he is:

Hello! I'm Gabriel. I like making film and movies instead of song on the old mixing decks. I'm choosing... You listen and see!

Hi. It's me again. I think I'll go for something a little more laid back. Drivan are 3 parts Swedish and 1 part Finnish. Here they are with Det Gör Ingenting.

This is me, Gabriel, again! Now this song is called ContraMelt B, a remix by Toy Selectah. The real song is by Vampire Weekend.

Gabriel's songs were entirely his own choice and once again, my children prove that they are way cooler than me when it comes to music. I think I'll stick with something a bit downtempo and it doesn't get more downtempo than this, Roads by Portishead.

Now it's back to me. I think I'll pick Sandwiches by Detroit Pubahs because this video is so hilarious although it sometimes gets a teensy bit rude.

Oh, dear. Perhaps I shouldn't have shown Gabriel that song. Never mind, back to something a bit more innocent. A classic from Dennis Brown - Money In My Pocket.

Back to me again. I have to leave after this so it's going to be laid back like most of daddy's. It's by RadioHead. Creep. Beavis and Butthead cover it in this video!

 Haha! "I want teepee for my bungholio!" Great choice Gabriel The final one from me and it has to be Gabriel by Lamb.

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