27 October 2012

micky baker - 'steam roller'

I overdid it with buying CDs today I'm afraid to say. I can't help it, there's so much good music,old and new that I want to listen to. One album I bought that just leapt out at me was Hipshakers Vol 2. It's a collection of esoteric R&B, rock and roll and swing. It's the kind of music that Chess Records championed all those years ago but perhaps would have struggled to find a buying audience at the time. The second volume starts weakly with a track that, in my opinion, doesn't fit with the rest of the album. If you can see your way past that then you are in for a rare treat. I've got to say it's a spectacular collection and I'll be playing this often. I really am spoiled for choice for records to play but this instrumental will give you a flavour of the quality. It beats listening on the radio to Brighton struggle to play against Blackpool in the footie this afternoon. I'm a bad fan.

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